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Active Directory memberOf Attribute

CA Directory emulates the ability of Active Directory to auto populate the memberOf attribute when it returns or looks up user entries. The memberOf attribute contains all the group distinguished names (DNs) of which the entry is a member.

CA Directory updates the memberOf attribute of an entry every time the entry DN is included or removed from a group.

Example: Show memberOf information for a group

The following example returns the groups that jsmith01 is a member of. If an entry is in the administrator and backup operator groups, then returning the entry cn=jsmith01 includes the group that jsmith01 is a member of:

dn: cn=Administrators,ou=Groups,o=CA,c=AU
member: cn=jsmith01,ou=Users,o=CA,c=AU
member: ...

dn: cn=Backup Operators,ou=Groups,o=CA,c=AU
member:  cn=jsmith01,ou=Users,o=CA,c=AU
member: ...

dn: cn=jsmith01,ou=Users,o=CA,c=AU
memberOf: cn=Administrators,ou=Groups,o=CA,c=AU
memberOf: cn=Backup Operators,ou=Groups,o=CA,c=AU

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