You can use LDAP authentication to validate your MCA DataMinder reviewers to BusinessObjects Enterprise. This approach is appropriate if you have many reviewers or a constantly changing pool of reviewers.
After you set up LDAP authentication, the iConsole permits reviewers to run BusinessObjects reports or launch InfoView seamlessly. That is, the iConsole does not prompt the reviewers for their BusinessObjects account details.
Full details about setting up LDAP authentication are the BusinessObjects Enterprise Administrator's Guide. See the 'Using LDAP Authentication' section in the Configuring Third-Party Authentication chapter. An augmented version of the LDAP Host Configuration instructions is included below.
Your LDAP directory must use static group membership
Before you configure the LDAP host for BusinessObjects Enterprise, verify that your LDAP directory uses static group membership. When static group membership is used, a 'memberOf' attribute identifies members of each group.
To configure the LDAP host
(Amended from the Authentication chapter of the BusinessObjects Enterprise Administrator's Guide.)
Note: We recommend that your LDAP server is already installed and running before you configure the LDAP host for BusinessObjects Enterprise.
If you want to view or change any of the LDAP server attribute mappings or LDAP default search attributes, click Show Attribute Mappings. (By default, these server attribute mappings and search attributes are already set for each LDAP server type.)
Click Next.
Click Next.
Note: Administrator credentials are not required.
Note: If your LDAP Server allows anonymous binding, skip this step. These user credentials are not needed. BusinessObjects Enterprise binds to the LDAP host via anonymous logon.
Then enter the number of referral hops in the Maximum Referral Hops field. If you specify zero hops, no referrals are followed.
Note: You must enter the LDAP Referral Credentials details if all of the following items apply:
Note: Groups can be mapped from multiple hosts, but you can only one set of referral credentials. Therefore, if you have multiple referral hosts you must create a user account on each host that uses the same distinguished name and password.
The options are: Basic (no SSL); Server Authentication; or Mutual Authentication.
The options are Basic (No SSO) or SiteMinder.
'Assign each added LDAP alias to an account with the same name'
Choose this option because you need unique BusinessObjects user accounts in order for CA DataMinder to apply row level security when mapping individual BusinessObjects users to an individual CA DataMinder users.
We recommend that you choose the first option. Users and aliases are created when you click Finish.
Choose the second option if your LDAP directory contains many users but only a few are likely to use BusinessObjects Enterprise. The system only creates aliases (and accounts, if required) for users who log on to BusinessObjects Enterprise.
Named user licenses are associated with specific users. These licenses allow users to access BusinessObjects Enterprise based on their user name and password, regardless of how many other users are connected to BusinessObjects Enterprise. If you choose this option, each user account that gets created must have a named user license.
Concurrent user licenses specify the number of users that can connect to BusinessObjects Enterprise at the same time. This type of licensing is very flexible because a small concurrent license can support many users. For example, a 100 user concurrent user license could potentially support between 250 and 700 users, depending on how much your users use BusinessObjects Enterprise.
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