procedures file format

The content of the procedures file consists of entries of the following syntax:

item = item 
version = version 
procedure = procedure 
[deliverytime="YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm" ] 
[attime="YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm" ]

Name of the group item this entry is related to


Version for the group item this entry is related to


Specifies the item procedure to be performed


Specifies the procedure type.

The following types are valid:


The procedure installs the item.


The procedure configures the item


The procedure activates the item.


The procedure uninstalls the item.

If the parameter is not coded, install is assumed.

The parameters "item", "version", "procedure", and "task" have to be coded at each line as the first parameters and they have to be coded in the order as in the syntax definition of cadsmcmd swlibrary action=assigngrouptotarget shown. The remaining parameter can be coded in any order.

The meaning of the other parameters corresponds to the meaning of the command parameters shown in cadsmcmd swlibrary action=assigngrouptotarget.

The procedure options for a job procedure are taken from the settings in this list.

If for a procedure an option is not coded in the related list entry then it is taken from the settings on command layer.

If it is not coded there then it is taken from the procedure options registered.