Program function (PF) keys are keys on your keyboard that are programmed to issue a particular command. PF keys save time and reduce typing errors. Default PF keys are supplied with ISPF/PDF. However, you can change your PF key commands by selecting ISPF/PDF option 0.3 or entering the KEYS command on the command line of an ISPF/PDF screen.
ISPF can display the meaning of the PF keys. PFSHOW or PFSHOW ON displays the PF key settings at the bottom of the screen. PFSHOW OFF does not display the settings. Because the PF key setting display can obstruct your viewing of important CA Auditor output, we recommend that you run with PFSHOW off (the setting, like your PF key settings, is recorded in your ISPF profile data set from TSO session to session).
The QUIT command can be useful for canceling multiple outstanding row commands. So if you are a frequent CA Auditor user or have a lot of PF keys available for customization, you might consider assigning QUIT to one.
Keyboards normally have 12 or 24 PF keys, depending on the type. Following is a list of the default assignments of the PF keys provided with ISPF/PDF.
Invokes the ISPF/PDF help feature. After you access CA Auditor, you also use this key to invoke the CA Auditor help feature. If you press PF1 while you are reviewing the CA Auditor help feature, you invoke the ISPF/PDF help facility.
Splits your screen. This key is helpful if you want to view two screens at the same time to compare data. CA Auditor also supports this function. To terminate split‑screen mode, press the END key (PF3) or enter =x on the command line of one of the screens and press Enter.
Ends an ISPF/PDF or CA Auditor function. When you press PF3, the next higher level system screen appears. When you press END on an ISPF/PDF or CA Auditor help screen, the tutorial ends, and you return to the screen where you originally invoked the help facility.
When you press PF3 on the primary ISPF/PDF menu, ISPF/PDF is ended. Likewise, when you press PF3 on the Primary menu, CA Auditor is ended.
Returns you to the ISPF/PDF Primary menu. However, because you can also return to this menu by entering the JUMP (=) command on the command line and pressing Enter, we suggest that you redefine PF4 as the PRINT command. This prints CA Auditor display screens and other screen images.
When you issue the PRINT command, the contents of the screen are copied to your ISPF/PDF list data set. You can print the list data set when you terminate your ISPF/PDF session. This process is described in the Printing Screen Images section of this appendix.
CA Auditor also contains an easy‑to‑use report feature for printing displays. See the Technical Reference Guide for additional details about creating and printing reports.
Issues the RFIND command to search for characters that you specify in the ISPF/PDF Browse or Edit functions. CA Auditor supports the RFIND command only on Browse displays such as the Parmlib IPL Map and the Parmlib Member Status displays.
Issues the RCHANGE command to change characters that you specify in the ISPF/PDF Browse or Edit functions. CA Auditor does not support the RCHANGE command.
Scrolls up on a display screen. Generally, you can use the SCROLL UP command on any display screen that has more data than fits on the logical screen. CA Auditor supports the SCROLL UP command.
Scrolls down on a display screen. Again, you can use the DOWN command on both ISPF/PDF and CA Auditor display screens.
Moves or swaps you from one logical screen to the other while you are in split‑screen mode. If the cursor is near the middle of the screen when you invoke the SWAP command, the cursor returns to the last position that it had on the other display screen.
If the screens are split less than five lines from the top or bottom of one of the split screens, SWAP moves the cursor to the other screen, and the split line is moved from near the top of the screen to near the bottom of the screen, enabling you to switch the screens back and forth.
Shifts you left on the screen, displaying the data that was previously to the left on the screen. CA Auditor does not support the LEFT command.
Shifts right on the screen, displaying the data that was previously to the right of the screen. CA Auditor does not support the RIGHT command.
Displays the commands that you previously entered in last‑in‑first‑out order.
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