When working on a non‑SNA terminal, the PA1 and the RESET keys let you interrupt long‑running CA Auditor functions. On most terminals, you press the RESET key and then the PA1 key. The function is interrupted, and an Attention Interrupt screen appears. You have three options:
Remember, if you choose to use the data gathered so far, only partial data is used, which can be misleading.
When interrupting processing, the RESET key unlocks the keyboard (just as it does after incorrect input locks the keyboard) and the PA1 key interrupts processing. If there is no function processing (the APPLICATION did not lock the keyboard), the PA1 key has another purpose under ISPF; it retransmits the last screen buffer from the mainframe. This is useful, for instance, if you enter incorrect changes to an input panel (like a selection criteria screen) or change your mind before pressing enter; pressing PA1 returns the screen to what the system last presented (much like CICS does in response to the CLEAR key).
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