Previous Topic: Printing Screen Images

ISPF/PDF List Data Set

The ISPF/PDF list data set is automatically allocated when you access ISPF/PDF. Although this data set can accumulate a variety of different types of information, this section describes using your list data set to print only screen images. If you require more detailed information on the use of the ISPF/PDF list data set, see the ISPF/PDF Tutorial, option 0.2.

To use the ISPF/PDF list data set option to print screen images, access ISPF/PDF option 0.2 and complete the Log and List Defaults screen as instructed below. The list data set parameters that you specify in ISPF/PDF option 0.1 determine how your screen images are printed. Although more than one method to print your screen images is available, we recommend that you use the ISPF/PDF list data set with user‑specified job statement information.

The following illustration is a sample display of both the list data set options and JOB statement information:

----------------- LOG AND LIST DEFAULTS ------------------- COMMAND ===> LOG DATA SET DEFAULT OPTIONS LIST DATA SET DEFAULT OPTIONS ----------------------------- ----------------------------- Process option ===> D (1) Process option ===> PD SYSOUT class ===> A (2) SYSOUT class ===> A Local printer ID ===> (3) Local printer ID ===> Lines per page ===> 60 (4) Lines per page ===> 60 Primary pages ===> 0 (5) Primary pages ===> 600 Secondary pages ===> 0 (6) Secondary pages ===> 400 VALID PROCESS OPTIONS: PD - Print data set K - Keep data set (without printing) and delete (7) D - Delete data set (without printing) JOB STATEMENT INFORMATION: (8) (Required for system printer) ===> //LAMAN01 JOB (MYTSOID),’KATHY’,MSGCLASS=X,NOTIFY=MYID ===> /*ROUTE PRINT LOCAL ===> //* ===> //*

The following describes the fields on the Log and List Defaults screen:

Process Option

This field should specify PD, telling the system to submit the job to print and then delete it. This field is required to print your screen images.

SYSOUT class

Fill in this field with the appropriate SYSOUT class. Get this information from the data center’s technical support staff.

Local printer ID

Do not enter anything in this field if you completed the SYSOUT class.

Lines per page

This field formats your printout. Enter 60 if you are printing six lines per inch. Enter 80 if you are printing eight lines per inch.

Primary pages

You must specify this field to print your screens. To allocate the list data set, enter 1 or a greater number in this field.

Secondary pages

You must specify this field to print your screens. Enter 1 or a greater number in this field.

Job statement parameters

This field supplies the JCL information required to submit the background print job when your ISPF/PDF session ends. Include your JOB statement, accounting information, message class, and route print instructions. If you are not familiar with JCL or the data center’s specific information, review this information with the technical support staff.