CA Auditor operates under the IBM Interactive System Productivity Facility/Program Development Function (ISPF/PDF). Because CA Auditor functions in much the same way as ISPF/PDF, it is important to understand how ISPF/PDF works, what ISPF/PDF‑related functions you use, and what new functions CA Auditor provides for your use.
Although you can perform a wide variety of tasks using ISPF/PDF, this appendix covers only those tasks related to CA Auditor. If you require more information about ISPF/PDF, see its online help feature or the appropriate IBM publication.
ISPF/PDF is an IBM program product that acts as an interface between the user and various interactive applications. The base program product of ISPF/PDF is the Dialog Manager, that, as its name suggests, manages the dialogs between the user and the computer system. A dialog usually consists of the following elements:
The number of applications that run under ISPF/PDF depends on the needs of the data center. Besides ISPF/PDF, you can have several user‑designed applications. In short, ISPF/PDF is a hierarchically structured program interface that provides a series of panels that can process information between you and the computer system.
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