Creating scenarios is covered in full detail in the CA ARCserve RHA Administration Guide. This section provides additional information specific to IIS High Availability scenarios. The Scenario Creation Wizard guides you through the steps required to create a high availability scenario. When completed, you should run your scenario to start data synchronization. Synchronization could take a while, depending on database size and network bandwidth. Once synchronization completes, your high availability scenario now maintains the Replica server so that it can take over for the Master the moment a failure is detected.
Please read the entire procedure, including cross-referenced information, if applicable, before you proceed.
To create a Microsoft IIS HA scenario
The Welcome dialog opens.
The Select Scenario Type dialog opens.
The Master and Replica hosts dialog opens. For more information on Assured Recovery, see the CA ARCserve RHA Administration Guide.
The Database for Replication dialog opens, listing all auto-discovered results for the specified Master. By default, all databases are included.
If you add new sites to a root directory after creating the scenario, CA ARCserve RHA replicates it automatically. You can see the new sites in the IIS Manager during replication.
The Replica Configuration dialog opens. CA ARCserve RHA compares the Microsoft IIS configurations between the Master and Replica hosts and then configures the replica automatically.
The Master and Replica Properties dialog opens. For more information, see Scenario Properties or the CA ARCserve RHA Administration Guide.
The Switchover and Reverse Replication Initiation dialog opens. For more information, see Switching Over and Switching Back.
For more information, see Scenario Properties or the CA ARCserve RHA Administration Guide.
Note: Do not set both of these options to automatic.
CA ARCserve RHA starts verifying the scenario. You must resolve any errors reported and should resolve any warnings reported before continuing.
The scenario is created.
Run Now starts synchronization. Finish allows you to run the scenario later. See Run the Scenario from Outside the Wizard.
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