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Complete the Bootable Tape Method Disaster Recovery Process in Windows Server 2003 in Advanced Mode

You must complete the Disaster recovery process on Windows Server 2003 using the following procedure.

To complete the disaster recovery process

  1. In the disaster recovery wizard, select Advanced Mode and click Next.

    Advanced Mode stores specific custom restore parameters to adapt to any change in the environment.

    Advanced Mode

    The Enter caroot Password dialog opens.

    Caroot Password

  2. Enter the password, and click OK.

    The Network connections dialog appears followed by the Session dialog.

  3. Select the session that you want to restore, and click Next.

    Choose session that you want to restore

    You can enter the password for each session depending on the status of each key at the end of each row in the Session Assign dialog. Types of keys include:

    The Summary dialog opens.

    Summary dialog

  4. Verify the Summary list.
  5. Click Start Disaster Recovery to start the process.

    The data is copied from the specified sessions to the specified partitions. A progress bar shows the progress of the restore process.

    Note: You can run most of the 32-bit Windows programs, such as regedit.exe, from the DOS prompt window. Click Utilities, and select Run to open a Windows command line console window.

    The Disaster Recovery process is complete.

    Note: You can use the keyboard shortcut Shift+ r on the Disaster Recovery wizard to reboot.

    When your computer restarts, it is restored to the state it was in at the time of the last full backup.