Unable to Access Archived Logs in Oracle Cluster Environment


In Oracle cluster environment, after configuring the archive logs on a local disk, the CA ARCserve Backup Agent for Oracle is not accessing the archived logs on other computers in the cluster.


If you want to access the archived logs on a computer in the network, ensure that you put the logs on a shared disk or map to the network as the Oracle service is running on a local disk.

To map a machine to the network to access archived logs

  1. Go to http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/bb897553.aspx and download psexec.exe utility.

    The utility is downloaded.

  2. Open command prompt and go to the directory which contains the psexec.exe utility.
  3. Run command
    psexec.exe  -s cmd
  4. Execute this command to connect to the network.
    net use X: \\ORA-RAC1\C$ /PERSISTENT:YES

    You can now map Y: and Z: drives to the network.

Note: If you are unable to map to the network, then you can perform the backup, restore and recovery operations using the advanced RMAN commands.

More information:

Using RMAN command to Backup, Restore, and Recover Archived Logs

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